Nord Est | Ontario

Ontario Northland : Support au soudage et conception technique

Ajout d’un pont allongé pour le transport de charges larges.
Conception Ingénierie
Services Ferroviaires Canadiens

CRWS a conçu un tablier allongé sur mesure pour faciliter le transport de charges larges, y compris des excavateurs, le long de la ligne de l’ONR. Cette innovation permet de soutenir des projets d’infrastructure vitaux, tels que la construction d’un nouvel hôpital dans le nord de l’Ontario, renforçant ainsi notre engagement en faveur du développement régional et de l’excellence logistique.

Champ du projet

  • Fournir un soutien continu en matière de soudage certifié par le CWB afin de garantir l’intégrité et la conformité de la structure.
  • Développer une conception efficace et robuste pour étendre le tablier, en améliorant sa capacité à transporter des charges lourdes et larges de manière sûre et efficace.

How did CRWS help?

The equipment being transported was significantly heavier and wider than standard items. CRWS not only devised a solution but also proactively identified potential clearance issues along the route. Employing best practices, our team meticulously ensured that all over-width shipments would navigate through specific track sections and overpasses without incident. As engineering progressed, it became apparent that the initial solution required refinement, leading to a necessary redesign. This adaptation demanded considerable resources from CRWS. Despite these challenges, we successfully delivered the final product on schedule and within the original budget, maintaining our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction.


Advanced engineering support

This project required strict adherence to established standards and specifications to ensure compliance with the relevant regulations. We adopted a multistep approach to achieve this:

  1. Review and Understand Regulations: We began by thoroughly reviewing and understanding all applicable regulations to ensure a solid foundation for the project.
  2. Design Compliance: Our designs were meticulously crafted to meet these regulations, ensuring that every aspect of the project remained compliant.
  3. Engineering and Practical Application: We carried out engineering that not only met the project’s requirements but also aligned with the applicable regulations. Along the way, we applied common sense to navigate and address any practical challenges efficiently.

This structured approach enabled us to deliver a project that was both compliant and optimally designed for its intended purpose.

What the future holds

ONR was pleased with the engineering and design outcomes of the platforms. To ensure continued client satisfaction, CRWS actively engaged in follow-ups at several stages throughout the procurement and installation processes. This proactive approach helped maintain a high level of client satisfaction and ensured seamless project execution.


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