Montréal | Québec

Support technique et conception d’équipements spécialisés pour la construction du tunnel REM

CRWS a réalisé une analyse complète de dégagement du tunnel et conçu des points de montage sur mesure pour l’équipement. Notre équipe a guidé avec expertise l’ingénierie et la conception de wagons plats et d’équipements supplémentaires essentiels pour les opérations en tunnel. De plus, nous avons fourni des services d’installation pour l’équipement spécialisé que nous avons méticuleusement conçu afin d’optimiser la construction du tunnel.
Conception Ingénierie Support
Informations de services

CRWS conducted a comprehensive tunnel clearance analysis and engineered custom mounting points for equipment. Our team expertly guided the engineering and design of flat cars and additional equipment essential for tunnel operations. Additionally, we provided installation services for the specialized equipment we meticulously designed to optimize tunnel construction.

Project Scope:

  • Provide engineering services.  
  • Design and build of specialized equipment on an extremely accelerated schedule.  
  • Provide key industry insight and share business knowledge.

How does CRWS help?

The tunnel equipment was required to function within a very confined space. Leveraging our expertise in machine design, CRWS developed innovative solutions under an extremely tight deadline. The engineering of a device for laying precast concrete blocks was completed within four weeks, and the fabrication process was expedited by strategically supporting our suppliers. This collaborative effort enabled five different companies, including two fabricators, to work together seamlessly, ensuring the project’s success.

Advanced engineering support

This project required the seamless integration of multiple teams, each responsible for engineering, design, drafting, fabrication, shop support, after-sales service, training, manuals, and maintenance. Our people-centric approach fostered a positive and engaged atmosphere, ensuring that all team members were motivated and committed to the project. This strategy proved pivotal in our success, allowing us to excel in every aspect of the project while keeping our teams content and invested.

What the future holds

CRWS successfully designed and built specialized equipment within a stringent five-week timeframe, thanks to our commitment to extreme ownership and innovative thinking. This project not only reinforced our relationships with suppliers but also deepened our partnership with the client, who was facing intense pressures to move the project forward. Collaborating with dedicated individuals who share a passion for challenges was immensely rewarding. Together, we not only met our goal but also proudly celebrated our joint achievement.

CRWS will also continue to provide ongoing technical support to the teams responsible for installing equipment in the REM tunnels, ensuring smooth operations and addressing any challenges as they arise.

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